Well, I've been back in Canada for a month now. I've seen all my friends here, and made a trip up to Calgary to see Reed, which was good. Its been a while since I've seen him so it was good to catch up. I'm still trying to develop a productive routine, and its finally coming together a bit. I wake up at 9:00 am, go to the gym at 10:30, work on my book and read in the afternoon. The evening is split between video games, working on my book, and tv. I'm trying to phase out video games since it steals working on my book and reading time, so we'll see how that goes.
As far as my computer goes, so far so good. It's really fast and I love the big screen, but windows 7 is giving me a few problems (I know, a shocker). It freezes when my computer enters sleep mode for too long, and it sometimes freezes when I shut down the computer. It also occasionally has a problem where it can't access folders I've clicked on. Instead, I have to manually type in the address of the folder to open in the explorer bar. Other than those problems though, its all been dandy. As a temp fix for the sleep-freeze problem, I've just disabled sleep mode, and as for the other ones, well they aren't that annoying, nothing a reboot doesn't fix.
Fallout 3 is such a great game... I've spent about 25 hours on it already, but I think I'm done with it for now, since I've finished the game. It's just great to explore and has so many options, but the main plot will still be the same if I start again.
I'm also working on GMing a play test game for my RPG demo, which takes up some time. I know I'm not the best GM, but I'm going to try to make some interesting stories to play. It's kinda difficult in a game where there is no orc hoards/zombie hoards/robot hoards/mutant hoards. Since I want realism to be an aspect of the game, the hack n' slash adventure available in other games isn't quite feasible. It's still an action oriented game, but its not like the protagonists can slay dozens of enemies in a game, since they will likely be "real" people, and cops could potentially be involved in ways much more significant that in other RPG games. This could be solved by running a military squad campaign, but I don't want to do that, I want it urban, so the slaying will have to stay to a minimum.
Anyway, it's amazing how full life can seem even when you are not employed or going to school. :) Too bad the Federation doesn't just give me money... :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm finally approaching full rehabilitation regarding living in Canada again. I jumped through the bureaucratic rings involved with getting a drivers license, health card, bank card, new bank accounts, gym membership, and applying to law school. On top of that, I'm used to the cold again.
I really hope I get into law school, but I give it a 50/50. I got a 159 on the LSAT, which is pretty good (75th percentile), but not outstanding by any measure. I should have studied more than the three of practice tests I wrote (story of my life). If I had decent grades in my BA I would be in for sure, but they were not so decent, so we will see. For borderline applicants like me they often go on a first apply first get in preference, and applications started being handed a couple of months ago. If I don't get in, I will work on getting into an MA program for philosophy.
I went to the gym for the first time since I left Korea, and it feels great to exercise again. It's called World Gym, and has amazing facilities (steam room, free classes of every type you could imagine, lots of space so its never busy, high tech machines). Of course I'm stiff today, but it's a good feeling. Better than lazy muscle ache.
I was disappointed to find out that the new imac won't be out for quite some time according to most sources, so its PC for me. I'm still excited, I just get more anxiety from PC purchases, for me they have been unpredictable. Nevertheless, my new speed demon PC makes me feel like is Christmas as I await for the parts to arrive in the mail. I decided not to go with an i7 processor because DDR3 RAM is still expensive and there isn't a great selection of motherboards for them. So, here is my new build on the advice of this website (plus I added 4 more GB of RAM):
Total cost? 2,300 bucks once shipping costs and taxes are included. I expect them to arrive some time next week.
I really hope I get into law school, but I give it a 50/50. I got a 159 on the LSAT, which is pretty good (75th percentile), but not outstanding by any measure. I should have studied more than the three of practice tests I wrote (story of my life). If I had decent grades in my BA I would be in for sure, but they were not so decent, so we will see. For borderline applicants like me they often go on a first apply first get in preference, and applications started being handed a couple of months ago. If I don't get in, I will work on getting into an MA program for philosophy.
I went to the gym for the first time since I left Korea, and it feels great to exercise again. It's called World Gym, and has amazing facilities (steam room, free classes of every type you could imagine, lots of space so its never busy, high tech machines). Of course I'm stiff today, but it's a good feeling. Better than lazy muscle ache.
I was disappointed to find out that the new imac won't be out for quite some time according to most sources, so its PC for me. I'm still excited, I just get more anxiety from PC purchases, for me they have been unpredictable. Nevertheless, my new speed demon PC makes me feel like is Christmas as I await for the parts to arrive in the mail. I decided not to go with an i7 processor because DDR3 RAM is still expensive and there isn't a great selection of motherboards for them. So, here is my new build on the advice of this website (plus I added 4 more GB of RAM):
Total cost? 2,300 bucks once shipping costs and taxes are included. I expect them to arrive some time next week.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Computer Time!
It's time for a new computer, which means lots of research. I've spent the past few days surfing internet forums, reading computer and computer part reviews, and building mock machines and getting prices. The main question? Mac or PC.
I've split the last decade equally among them, owning two of each, so at least I have a lot of first hand experience to go on in making my choice. My last computer was a PC, it was a sweet machine I bought for a good price, and I enjoyed it a lot. But now, I'm wondering if its time to alternate again to Mac.
There is a huge hate on for Macs in the internet community. This is not surprising, since they only represent less than 10% of the market, they are the red headed step children among netizens. Not to say that all the criticisms are specious, but everyone wants to believe what they have is the best, and the vast majority of Mac haters have obviously never owned one. I spend a lot of time on the net, so the Mac hate inevitably rubs off on me a little, so I thought before buying a new computer I had to honestly review the pros and cons of buying one.
Pros (For me)
- Macs have a wicked and intuitive OS. First, it's super stable compared to Windows, Ive never had crashes or freezes, and everything just works right. For example, when I tell a program to quit, it quits, no "this program is busy, try again later" message, or multitude of other small but annoying features. As for stability, many a time with PCs I found myself on tech forums looking up how to deal with an OS problem. Usually it was a problem common to thousands of others using Windows, which helped in finding solutions, but it doesn't say much about Windows as an OS. Sure, I learn something, but its often a lesson thats only applicable to Windows, and over the years, hours spent on tech forums add up as wasted time. Its very rare even among dedicated mac haters to criticise the OSX, they usually stick to the hardware or price.
- Also, OSX has a stronger defense against viruses, in part because it had good security, and in part because its not worth most hackers time to make Mac viruses, since they are small minority. My last computer, a PC, got quite a few viruses and I paid for anti-virus software, plus I used some free stuff, based on reviews. It always took a month or so for the anti-virus software to finally get updated with a vaccine to new viruses I got. Hackers always seem to be a step ahead
- Macs comes fully loaded with useful software. This is not as big an advantage as it used to be, since there is a lot more decent freeware and PC users can pirate all the software they need now, but its still a pain. With Windows, you are given a skeleton and have to spend a couple of days downloading all the applications you need, even the most basic ones, like file compression software or PDF viewers.
- Well planned architecture. PCs are generally the latest parts, thrown together in a box. Frequently there are PCs that look like they would dominate a Mac on paper, but when tested in a lab the Mac is clocked at better speeds and performance in every test. Even independent computer magazines (or PC magazines) report this in their lab tests. iMacs are consistently given excellent reviews by pretty much every computer review site or magazine out there. There is a gestalt effect from the well planned out Mac that beats PCs with newer high-tech parts.
- Aesthetic. They do look nice, and are clean and compact. Its not that big a deal to me, but worth mentioning.
Cons (for me)
- Old tech. Its old, even when its newly updated. This is the opposite side of the double edged sword of the well planned architecture I mentioned above. The downside of having a well planned out design is that you can't use the latest parts. This is the biggest downside for me, and the one the Mac haters criticize the most (rightly so). Right now, the last iMac update was in April 2008, and even then it was built with technology already months old. So, as of right now, the iMac is using tech over a year old (Penryn processor), pretty bad in computer time. I could never feel right if I bought that one, especially with the i7 nehalem chips out, using DDR3 RAM, or the Phenom II. With computers it just seems wrong to buy one built with parts over a year old.
- Price. I would end up paying around 300 dollars more just for the Mac name. Its bullshit.
- No right click. I know, I can do everything by holding down "ctrl". But why? Why not a right click mouse? Being intuitive and user friendly is their whole MO, yet no right click? WTF!? I know its small, but it seems like keeping single button mouse is more tradition than anything else.
- Less software. Just like there are less Mac viruses, there is less Mac software. Though switching to an Intel processor greatly reduced this problem, some software, especially games, arn't available on Mac. Could be dealt with using Bootcamp, but thats a pain. I hated not being able to use a software on a Mac that I could run on a PC.
There is no way I am going to buy that dated April 2008 iMac, its just too old for the price. I could get a PC computer with an i7 2.93 GHz processor, 12 GB of DDR3 RAM, Radeon 4870 512 MB video card, 500 GB hardrive, 24 inch monitor for the same price, and more than twice as fast.
I am going to wait until February, there is rumored to be an iMac update then. If they have a good setup (i7 processor would be freakin' awesome, but unlikely) I'll probably get an iMac. If they don't update in February, or the update sucks, I'm going with a PC using the setup I described above. I hope iMac updates, but if not, its two PCs in a row for me.
I've split the last decade equally among them, owning two of each, so at least I have a lot of first hand experience to go on in making my choice. My last computer was a PC, it was a sweet machine I bought for a good price, and I enjoyed it a lot. But now, I'm wondering if its time to alternate again to Mac.
There is a huge hate on for Macs in the internet community. This is not surprising, since they only represent less than 10% of the market, they are the red headed step children among netizens. Not to say that all the criticisms are specious, but everyone wants to believe what they have is the best, and the vast majority of Mac haters have obviously never owned one. I spend a lot of time on the net, so the Mac hate inevitably rubs off on me a little, so I thought before buying a new computer I had to honestly review the pros and cons of buying one.
Pros (For me)
- Macs have a wicked and intuitive OS. First, it's super stable compared to Windows, Ive never had crashes or freezes, and everything just works right. For example, when I tell a program to quit, it quits, no "this program is busy, try again later" message, or multitude of other small but annoying features. As for stability, many a time with PCs I found myself on tech forums looking up how to deal with an OS problem. Usually it was a problem common to thousands of others using Windows, which helped in finding solutions, but it doesn't say much about Windows as an OS. Sure, I learn something, but its often a lesson thats only applicable to Windows, and over the years, hours spent on tech forums add up as wasted time. Its very rare even among dedicated mac haters to criticise the OSX, they usually stick to the hardware or price.
- Also, OSX has a stronger defense against viruses, in part because it had good security, and in part because its not worth most hackers time to make Mac viruses, since they are small minority. My last computer, a PC, got quite a few viruses and I paid for anti-virus software, plus I used some free stuff, based on reviews. It always took a month or so for the anti-virus software to finally get updated with a vaccine to new viruses I got. Hackers always seem to be a step ahead
- Macs comes fully loaded with useful software. This is not as big an advantage as it used to be, since there is a lot more decent freeware and PC users can pirate all the software they need now, but its still a pain. With Windows, you are given a skeleton and have to spend a couple of days downloading all the applications you need, even the most basic ones, like file compression software or PDF viewers.
- Well planned architecture. PCs are generally the latest parts, thrown together in a box. Frequently there are PCs that look like they would dominate a Mac on paper, but when tested in a lab the Mac is clocked at better speeds and performance in every test. Even independent computer magazines (or PC magazines) report this in their lab tests. iMacs are consistently given excellent reviews by pretty much every computer review site or magazine out there. There is a gestalt effect from the well planned out Mac that beats PCs with newer high-tech parts.
- Aesthetic. They do look nice, and are clean and compact. Its not that big a deal to me, but worth mentioning.
Cons (for me)
- Old tech. Its old, even when its newly updated. This is the opposite side of the double edged sword of the well planned architecture I mentioned above. The downside of having a well planned out design is that you can't use the latest parts. This is the biggest downside for me, and the one the Mac haters criticize the most (rightly so). Right now, the last iMac update was in April 2008, and even then it was built with technology already months old. So, as of right now, the iMac is using tech over a year old (Penryn processor), pretty bad in computer time. I could never feel right if I bought that one, especially with the i7 nehalem chips out, using DDR3 RAM, or the Phenom II. With computers it just seems wrong to buy one built with parts over a year old.
- Price. I would end up paying around 300 dollars more just for the Mac name. Its bullshit.
- No right click. I know, I can do everything by holding down "ctrl". But why? Why not a right click mouse? Being intuitive and user friendly is their whole MO, yet no right click? WTF!? I know its small, but it seems like keeping single button mouse is more tradition than anything else.
- Less software. Just like there are less Mac viruses, there is less Mac software. Though switching to an Intel processor greatly reduced this problem, some software, especially games, arn't available on Mac. Could be dealt with using Bootcamp, but thats a pain. I hated not being able to use a software on a Mac that I could run on a PC.
There is no way I am going to buy that dated April 2008 iMac, its just too old for the price. I could get a PC computer with an i7 2.93 GHz processor, 12 GB of DDR3 RAM, Radeon 4870 512 MB video card, 500 GB hardrive, 24 inch monitor for the same price, and more than twice as fast.
I am going to wait until February, there is rumored to be an iMac update then. If they have a good setup (i7 processor would be freakin' awesome, but unlikely) I'll probably get an iMac. If they don't update in February, or the update sucks, I'm going with a PC using the setup I described above. I hope iMac updates, but if not, its two PCs in a row for me.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This was it, the last stop of our 6 month journey. The flight was long of course, taking 3 planes and around 25 hours in total, the longest stretch being from Incheon to Atlanta, 13 hours. It was not bad all in all, especially since I had been paralyzed from pain the day earlier. I took muscle relaxants for the first time in my life (probably not the last), and it helped a bit. I watched 5 movies of mediocre quality on the over sea stretch, making it easier to pass the time. Delta airlines lost our luggage, but we got it the next day, so it wasn't too bad.
The Cancun resort was a world apart from the sleepy Thai resort we went to, mostly because of its size, but also because it was all-inclusive and we started boozing it up during the check-in process. It was awesome meeting up with the entire immediate family and their partners for the first time since I can remember. For the first few days we were jet lagged and exhausted, but a perfect place to fight off jet-lag is lying by a pool drinking copious amounts of liquor. Usually by 9:30 in the evening our energy was demolished and had to call it a night. The good news was that we got to see the sunrise, since we woke up at around 5:00 am, but it doesn't compare to Saskatchewan's. The resort's food was decent, but not great. The entire trip was spent lying in the sun, drinking, eating, and socializing with family. It was a grand time, and I would do it again in a heart-beat, but in a different location.
One of the many details of this trip involved a truly obnoxious American family. At the resort there are three restaurants, the huge buffet, and two others that must be reserved at 7:00 am the day you wish to go (or earlier if you want a large table). We made such a booking one day, for the Japanese restaurant. At around 6:45 there were two large lines on either side of a podium where the bookings were to be made. One line was obviously legitimate, and the other a pretender line. Well, the person at the front of the pretender line turned the podium in their direction, causing the people at the front of the legitimate line to get into a podium turning war with them. Eventually it was all sorted out, and the pretender line all had to get to the back of the legitimate line. I present this aspect of the reservation process only to show how difficult and competitive it is to make the reservation.
That evening we went to the restaurant for our 6:30 pm reservation, but we couldn't get in. The reason? A huge (in both numbers and fat content) American family insisted they should be allowed in, despite not having a reservation. They simply refused to stop blocking the door. They blatantly lied, claiming their travel agent made the reservation for them. Wow, their travel agent flew to Cancun all the way from hick-town USA, got up early in the morning, fought for the podium, and made them a reservation before flying back to America. Thats some travel agent. 6:35 came. 6:40. 6:45. 6:50. All the while, all the people with reservations were being blocked from getting in. Finally, the staff decide to let them in despite not having a reservation. I wish they hadn't. They were the loudest people in the whole place, and because of their volume, we didn't have enough table space so we were crammed into an area too small. The service also suffered, and one of the obnoxious women at the American table laughed like a hyena giving birth to a cactus. We made fun of them the entire dinner, quite loudly. Good times.
But, all in all, the vacation was awesome. After that, the first Canadian winter in 4 years...
The Cancun resort was a world apart from the sleepy Thai resort we went to, mostly because of its size, but also because it was all-inclusive and we started boozing it up during the check-in process. It was awesome meeting up with the entire immediate family and their partners for the first time since I can remember. For the first few days we were jet lagged and exhausted, but a perfect place to fight off jet-lag is lying by a pool drinking copious amounts of liquor. Usually by 9:30 in the evening our energy was demolished and had to call it a night. The good news was that we got to see the sunrise, since we woke up at around 5:00 am, but it doesn't compare to Saskatchewan's. The resort's food was decent, but not great. The entire trip was spent lying in the sun, drinking, eating, and socializing with family. It was a grand time, and I would do it again in a heart-beat, but in a different location.
One of the many details of this trip involved a truly obnoxious American family. At the resort there are three restaurants, the huge buffet, and two others that must be reserved at 7:00 am the day you wish to go (or earlier if you want a large table). We made such a booking one day, for the Japanese restaurant. At around 6:45 there were two large lines on either side of a podium where the bookings were to be made. One line was obviously legitimate, and the other a pretender line. Well, the person at the front of the pretender line turned the podium in their direction, causing the people at the front of the legitimate line to get into a podium turning war with them. Eventually it was all sorted out, and the pretender line all had to get to the back of the legitimate line. I present this aspect of the reservation process only to show how difficult and competitive it is to make the reservation.
That evening we went to the restaurant for our 6:30 pm reservation, but we couldn't get in. The reason? A huge (in both numbers and fat content) American family insisted they should be allowed in, despite not having a reservation. They simply refused to stop blocking the door. They blatantly lied, claiming their travel agent made the reservation for them. Wow, their travel agent flew to Cancun all the way from hick-town USA, got up early in the morning, fought for the podium, and made them a reservation before flying back to America. Thats some travel agent. 6:35 came. 6:40. 6:45. 6:50. All the while, all the people with reservations were being blocked from getting in. Finally, the staff decide to let them in despite not having a reservation. I wish they hadn't. They were the loudest people in the whole place, and because of their volume, we didn't have enough table space so we were crammed into an area too small. The service also suffered, and one of the obnoxious women at the American table laughed like a hyena giving birth to a cactus. We made fun of them the entire dinner, quite loudly. Good times.
But, all in all, the vacation was awesome. After that, the first Canadian winter in 4 years...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Thailand II
We hit the beaches of Hua Hin, an area with beautiful sand and a nice ocean area to swim in. It was overrun with retired Scandanavians, mostly old men. The food was good, and we spent a couple of days in the sun at the beach reading books and swimming. Being of Celtic origins, I got heat rash on my fish belly and neck.
I read a Japanese novel called "Kafka by the Shore", and it reconfirmed my notion that Japanese people are weird. It was so filled with metaphors it was like a dream, but had enough concrete events that it made it a bit irking trying to pin down the order. I know that was the author's intention, but for me it was so metaphor filled it seemed too formless and lost meaning in the jumble rather than gain it. Maybe it's because the author wants me to reflect on each paragraph rather than read it at the beach. Screw him.
We after a couple of days we made it to the resort we had booked to meet Mark, Mandy, Keith, and Glenis. The good news was that we were upgraded to the honeymoon suite for free. It was an awesome room! An in-room jacuzzi, relaxing cushioned lounge chair, huge king size bed, two-sink bathroom, spacious balcony overlooking the resort, etc... We had the best room of the resort. It was a really great place to relax, very quiet and picturesque, and they had a good cook. We ate Christmas dinner there, which was good, but very expensive (100$ if I include the bottle of wine). We had a great time at the resort, but I was really dissapointed I didn't see the friends we were supposed to meet, especially Mark. I havn't seen him much at all over the last few years, and probably won't see him much in the next year or more, so it would have been awesome to meet up in Thailand, but it didn't work out. Reflecting on the situation, I found I would have traded a honeymoon suite at a beautiful beachside Thai resort for some time with good friends or family anywhere. It's cliche, but it's really true that luxury means nothing compared to time spent with good friends and family.
After our time at the resort we went to Bangkok for a couple of days, since our plane to Cancun was leaving from there. We spent a remarkable new years eve here. I say remarkable not because we saw a ping-pong show or anything like that, but because I had my first back spasm of my life that day. It was a nightmare. We were standing in line to see Diary of the Dead, and my back freaked out. I got this horrible twitching and then my right shoulder seized up and sent white hot pain to a point in my neck. I had to go sit down and I could barely move. It was the worst pain of my life. We went back to the guest house (I can't believe I made it) and I laid prone on the bed in physical distress as the new year rang in. Anita massaged, and it helped, but she couldn't do much as the smallest of movements to my neck caused intense pain. I had to hold my head with my hands to move it rather than rely on my neck muscles. The good news was that we had a 30 hour flight the next day.... Ug....
I read a Japanese novel called "Kafka by the Shore", and it reconfirmed my notion that Japanese people are weird. It was so filled with metaphors it was like a dream, but had enough concrete events that it made it a bit irking trying to pin down the order. I know that was the author's intention, but for me it was so metaphor filled it seemed too formless and lost meaning in the jumble rather than gain it. Maybe it's because the author wants me to reflect on each paragraph rather than read it at the beach. Screw him.
We after a couple of days we made it to the resort we had booked to meet Mark, Mandy, Keith, and Glenis. The good news was that we were upgraded to the honeymoon suite for free. It was an awesome room! An in-room jacuzzi, relaxing cushioned lounge chair, huge king size bed, two-sink bathroom, spacious balcony overlooking the resort, etc... We had the best room of the resort. It was a really great place to relax, very quiet and picturesque, and they had a good cook. We ate Christmas dinner there, which was good, but very expensive (100$ if I include the bottle of wine). We had a great time at the resort, but I was really dissapointed I didn't see the friends we were supposed to meet, especially Mark. I havn't seen him much at all over the last few years, and probably won't see him much in the next year or more, so it would have been awesome to meet up in Thailand, but it didn't work out. Reflecting on the situation, I found I would have traded a honeymoon suite at a beautiful beachside Thai resort for some time with good friends or family anywhere. It's cliche, but it's really true that luxury means nothing compared to time spent with good friends and family.
After our time at the resort we went to Bangkok for a couple of days, since our plane to Cancun was leaving from there. We spent a remarkable new years eve here. I say remarkable not because we saw a ping-pong show or anything like that, but because I had my first back spasm of my life that day. It was a nightmare. We were standing in line to see Diary of the Dead, and my back freaked out. I got this horrible twitching and then my right shoulder seized up and sent white hot pain to a point in my neck. I had to go sit down and I could barely move. It was the worst pain of my life. We went back to the guest house (I can't believe I made it) and I laid prone on the bed in physical distress as the new year rang in. Anita massaged, and it helped, but she couldn't do much as the smallest of movements to my neck caused intense pain. I had to hold my head with my hands to move it rather than rely on my neck muscles. The good news was that we had a 30 hour flight the next day.... Ug....
Friday, January 9, 2009
Some Short Fiction for Plutocracy 2060
Coded Betrayal
The late evening air was heavy and wet, and the immense concrete forest of apartment buildings and businesses around him relentlessly radiated the heat accumulated during the day. His skin glistened with an oily stew of condensation, sweat, and airborne grime. July was an ugly month in Korea, especially in a big city like Busan. GiJu hated leaving his airconed fortress of solitude during the sticky summer months, but a job was a job. He spotted an old women running a food stand, causing his stomach to make a forceful request for some dok boki. Moments later he was positioned by the old lady, wolfing down spicy-sweet cylinders of cooked rice dough from a styrofoam bowl.He willed a semi-opaque window to appear in his field of vision, hanging horizontally in the air above his food bowl. To anyone else it looked like he was staring at his meal, but GiJu was looking at his target’s profile displayed on the floating chimerical monitor he conjured up. Could something that only existed as a series of logic gates mad e of 0s and 1s on his braincomputer really be said to be “hanging in the air”? Perhaps not, but it was both convincing and effective. It was a digital phantasm. He knew his internal computer merely translated those 0s and 1s into something that stimulated his visual cortex in just the right way as to make him hallucinate a 2D Mind’s Eye Window.
The MEW that “hung in the air” displayed every bit of data he could scrounge on Lee Myung Soo, his target. GiJu had hacked up Myung Soo’s medical history, financial transactions, school records, and pedabytes of other seemingly innocuous titbits; like his 16 year old daughter’s secret abortion that no one knew about except her doctor (and GiJu of course), or his secret affair with a soap opera actress. Most of the details his Daemon’s recon bots filtered through didn’t matter, but GiJu was nothing if not thorough, and he had to maintain that reputation if he wanted to continue to keep his pristine reputation. He felt it especially important on this contract, as his employers were the North Korean mafia. Apparently his target was running for a higher office, and part of his campaign was eliminating organised crime. Projections had him way ahead of the competition, which was why GiJu was getting some serious credit to ruin this man’s career.
Finding Myung Soo’s extramarital affair had been easy enough, any newb PI or hacker could have done that. But not every hacker could change a consensual affair into aggravated rape and battery. GiJu could. Just as he slurped down the last bit of dokboki a facial recognition bot that he had implanted into the security system of his target’s office alerted him that his target was on his way out. Anticipating his target’s next move, GiJu made his way to the love motel where his target was expecting a romantic rendezvous to take place with his mistress. She would be there of course, but GiJu had done an especially fastidious job of mind hacking her that afternoon. She would remain in a motionless trance while her mind was in a theta state loop. She would continue on this way until her digital dream ran its course, ending at 1:32 a.m.
Careful to avoid being seen, and editing himself out of the video footage of any camera that he encountered as he past them, GiJu opened the door to the love motel with the key he had acquired from the tranced out mistress. There she was, lying on the bed in the exact position he had left her in; eyes closed, clothes torn, and body supine. Her left cheek was swollen and purple, just like her upper lip. She was still an exquisite looking women, even at 38 years old with a busted up face. He could have scored an extra 5,000 euros had he been willing to do the goon work on her himself, but that small detail he refused, so the NK thugs had done it to her before GiJu had hacked her Daemon. However dubious they were, GiJu felt some ethical lines had to be drawn. After all, his mind hacks weren’t even real right? Sure, he had hacked her Daemon so that she would remember a fight with her lover Myung Soo, in which he beat her up and raped her, but it wasn’t real. Not like the bruises on her face were...
Soon, GiJu would do the same mind job on Myung Soo, leaving each of the lovers with the memory of a rape that never happened, a non-crime with one extremely distraught victim and a guilty non-perpetrator. While absorbing the sight of the helpless woman, GiJu noticed that the thugs had fucked up. Myung Soo was left handed, so the bruises on her face ought to be on the opposite side of her face, and they didn’t leave any finger bruises on her upper arms or shoulders. God only knows if they properly applied the DNA evidence. These were the kinds of inconsistencies a defence lawyer lived on. Not that it was GiJu’s problem of course, he was the consummate professional and had done his job to perfection. At least the female half of it. He heard the doorknob turn, it must be Myung Soo, the other half of his job. GiJu would get to know the man intimately over the next few hours...
Neotech Junkie
Abira’s Daemon alerted her to an incoming mail from her bank. She had long ago altered her Daemon’s settings so that is no longer had a voice unless necessary. Something about having a disembodied voice cheerily advise you about events, especially personal events, creeped her out. “You have mail from your mother”, “Your friend Gilli’s birthday is tomorrow”, The WHO suggests that you are due for a breast exam”, “The bacterial census in your vaginal mucous indicates an imminent yeast infection, you should add Euprotol to your nanodoc”. At best it made her feel schizophrenic, at worst like Norman Bates was stalking her from the inside out. Instead, she changed her preferences so that now she just had a sudden non-verbal awareness when there was wireless news, and read about the details as text in a Mind’s Eye Window. She did just that with the bank message.The 2D semi-opaque MEW popped into existence in the upper left corner of her field of vision, the default position as determined by her OS, her Daemon. On the phantasmal monitor was a list of all of her account’s transactions of the past 30 days., and her current balance, 4,682.63 euros. She was always amazed at the fact she made as much money as the CEO of a small company, lived in a bachelor’s suite, only owned 3 pairs of shoes and a spartan wardrobe, didn’t drink, gamble, or do drugs, but had the account balance of your average factory worker... She expanded the translucent MEW to include all the transactions of the last few years and came to the same conclusion she always came to when she did a little self auditing: its the enhancement mods.
If put on a line graph (which she did, displayed in another MEW), her account steadily rose over periods of months with almost no withdrawals, then suddenly would plummet to almost nothing, the the cycle would repeat. Whenever she had enough money, she upgraded some part of her body, DNA, or added another implant. She willed the MEW to display all her wetare modification purchases of the past decade:
January 12th, 2051 - Atlas Musculoskeletal Weave, 22,481.41 euros
August 3rd, 2052 - Omnitech Motorchip, 25,871.38 euros
July 19th, 2053 - Arachnodermal Weave, 34,523.90 euros
October 2nd, 2055 - IronMan Skeletal Reinforcement, 61,231.44 euros
April 22nd, 2056 - Lazereus Sythorgans, 51,341.82 euros
January 6th, 2057 - Crisis Response Boosters, 22,542.21 euros
November 12th, 2057 - Omnitech Motorchip (Platinum Edition), 112,012.92 euros
June 9th, 2058 - Mongoose Hypertime Processor, 120,019.08 euros
February 23rd, 2059 - Logisticks Cheetah Grafts, 21,884.21 euros
March 3rd, 2059 - Ronin Shadowskin, 29,762.02 euros
August 30th, 2059 - Argos Optics, 62,812.53 euros
December 25th, 2059 - Sureshot Targeting Matrix, 27,422.12 euros
The alarming total at the bottom caused no small amount of discomfort. 682,526.21 euros. She had spent well over half a million euros on cybermods. Abira knew she wasn’t one of those body dysmorphia types though. Hell, the government even recognised her enhancements as tax write-offs for her job; she was a samurai, and being a living breathing combat machine was expected of her. In a few hours there would be a new entry in her bank account, Megawraith Cloakers, 116,212.61 euros. Abira decided that when the total modification tab reached a million she was going to celebrate... Maybe by buying a nice new upgrade. Bionic woman eat your heart out!
She willed the MEW out of existence, and tried to dispel her financial angst with a bit of neo-zen reflection, aptly abbreviated by the expression often just at the edge of her lips: “Fuck it”. As she rode the elevator down to ground level from her 15th floor apartment she ignored the incessant AV advertisements playing on three sides, and instead examined herself in the one side that remained a mirror, the back. She saw what she always saw, her 178 cm frame. It was lean, athletic, and powerfully muscled from countless hours at the gym and a musculoskeletal weave. She looked like a gymnast except for the fact that she somewhat remained the pneumatic breasts and hips of her Persian mother. Despite its hardness, it conveyed femininity; graceful, powerful, and catlike in its movements. The same could not be said of her face. A “Butter Face” as some said. Her large nose was all angles and had clearly been broken several times. She had the cauliflowered ears and muscled brows, cheeks, and lips of a boxer. Her chosen life had not been kind to a face that hadn’t even been considered pretty in the Spring of adolescence. Her head was shaved short, a black stubble covering the tea color of her natural skin.
After a little more zen reflection she was satisfied with both her account balance and her appearance, and the scope of introspection was replaced with the anticipation of zipping down the street, breathing the night air on her Infinity Nightshade autobike.
The Immortal
Joseph Blazic watched the morning news on a Mind’s Eye Window as he sipped his hot Americano in his lavish high-rise office. It showed footage of one of his old business partners, Alex Shy. The grotesquely beautiful newscaster was explaining how Alex had been killed late last night, shot 16 times by a fanatical group opposed to the practices his bioandroid company engaged in. “Poor Alex, should have spent less on his vintage car collection and more on personal protection” mused Blazic. He doubted many people on the planet spent as much on life preservation as he did though. Redundancy organs, elite samurai bodyguards, and both skin, bones and clothing were reinforced with bullet-proof nihlkinetic nanomaterials. Even his original hair had long since been replaced with natural looking fibers that stiffened into a literal “hair helmet” the instant it encountered an amount of kinetic energy high enough to hurt him.Blazic was sure he could have survived the same shooting Alex hadn’t, with no more injuries than a few bruises to show off to expensive call girls. Not only was he practically immune to anti-personal weapons, but he had added legions of anti-pathogenic and anti-toxic nanocolonies to his nanodoc implant, making him equally fortified against diseases and poisonings. Unfortunately there was no security software available for his Daemon to make him completely immune to mind hacks, the hackers always seemed one step ahead in that department. Consequently, to avoid Daemon hacking he permanently modified his CHERV to run in autistic mode, unable to connect to the internet. It made him seem a little quirky or backward to his business associates, but he just didn’t feel comfortable exposing his mind to the Sword of Damocles that was the internet, so he completely relied on his PDA and PCs to connect. Blazic was 80 years old, but looked not a day past 50 and would likely stay that way indefinitely thanks to his expensive Lazures celluar rejuvenation treatments that rendered him immorbid. To Blazic, death was just another surmountable obstacle, one he had felt that he had overcome thanks to his longevity treatments and near invincibility.
He was the CEO of Ozymandias Soulmates, a bioandroid company that created anatomically correct, living breathing robots that acted precisely as their consumer wanted them to. As far as the fundamentalists and naturualists were concerned he was the devil himself. His androids easily passed the neo-Turing test. and Denmark and Japan had already legalized human/android marriages. His friend Alex ran a similar company, hence his death at the hands of “Jehovah’s Fury”, a christian terrorist organization radically opposed to pretty much anything that modern technology came up with. Blazic’s colleagues felt he was paranoid, but he saw the newscast reporting Alex’s death as the pudding that provided the proof for his cautious atitude. He knew they’d have him in a guillotine if they could.
Suddenly a Mind’s Eye Window popped up in the air in front of him, displaying a smirking non-descript male face. “You’re right Mr. Blazic, we’d love to see your head topple from your neck into a basket, but a poisoning will have to do”. Blazic jerked up suddenly at the MEW, almost spilling his coffee. MEWs shouldn’t pop up like that without him commanding it, especially since his CHERV’s connectivity potential had been permanently severed. He checked his connection status: not connected. Where the fuck did this thing come from?! Was it embedded in the download newscast he just watched? But that had been clean of viruses! “No Mr. Blazic, I’m not some virus, at least not the kind you mean”. Blazic willed the MEW to close. Nothing hapened. When he turned his head away, the MEW tenaciously swivelled with him, fully opaque and floating in front of him. “I’m the poison thats killing you now. Well at least I’m the simple AI that speaks for the poison, but identity problems like that are for metaphysicians, not businessmen, am I right Mr. Blazic?”
This wasn’t real, he was dreaming. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his palms into the sockets. The MEW displaying the smirking face still hung there in a shower of rainbow starbursts and darkness from closed eyes and pressure from his palms. Shit. All at once his skin tingled and his blood boiled, a carbonated beverage coursing through his vessels. He told his hand to reach for the panic button but his arms fell dead moments after they left his eyes. The sizzling sensation was replaced with a cool numbness as he slumped into his plush leather chair. Fuck. “That would be the paralytic kicking in” the hanging face said smugly. “Who are you?!” Blazic mentally snarled at the MEW, while his physical face remained static and drooling. The fact that the poison had an anthrolingual AI meant that the poisoner either wanted to gloat, there was a way to negociate out of this, or both. “Like I said, I am the poison running though your veins, or nanofactory capable of producing a variety of poisons to be more accurate. The paralytic I administered is just one of my arsenal. “Who made you?” Blazic retorted testily. “Ah. Why am I in your blood... The same reason your friend Alex was shot 16 times. Your business is creating blasphemous abominations that spit in the face of God. You pave the way for all humanity and suck the evil milk from Satan’s teet. I am Jehovah’s Fury”. The AI’s rhetoric teetered on the edge of comedic satire, but Blazic’s slumbering muscles lacked the ability to produce laughter.
“How can I be poisoned? Everything I consume I scan and run through biological and chemical filters, right down to the air in this office. It’s all clean. Even if the filters failed, why isn’t my nanodoc wiping you out right now?” Blazic was both curious and stalling. “You certainly did represent considerably more difficulty to my progenators that your friend Alex... So they just threw the ingredients into you one by one, each of them passing the tox screens. Then I assembled myself, a sublime gestalt, and infected your nanodoc. In a sense, now I am your nanodoc. Ironic no?” To spill this much info the molecular hacker working for Jehovah’s Fury must be a serious megalomaniac. “One part of me came from your whore last night, another part from your new suit, yet another from the the atmosphere of you skybus, and the last part is still warm.” The face in the MEW glanced down at Blazic’s Americano.
It was time to begin the diplomacy. “What do you want?” Blazic thought at the face. “access to your production lines at prototype level. Complete access. I will give you addresses to drop off the necessary security info. If you do not, I’ll set your blood to boil. Take a few moments to think it over.” Blazic took those moments, He could guess why religious nutjob terroristswould want unlimited acces to his base model. If they had a molecular hacker skilled enough to make this nasty little guy, God only knows who they could punish the consumers who purchased models that Jehovah’s Fury had tinkered with. Blazic was ruthless and was as passionate about self preservation as you could get, but not a mass murderer. His pride wouldn’t let society remember him that way. Besides, he still had his contingency plan... With a leap of faith Blazic thought “Fine you Christ fucking automaton, boil my blood!” The AI responded “The pain you will receive in the next few seconds will doubtless be the worst of your pathetic life, but will remain a pleasant memory compared to the eternity in the lake of fire that follows!” Blazic knew the AI would die with him, but it was small comfort. A few moments later a white hot spasm suffused his body, a pain so hot he figured a lake of fire could only sooth the burning. Everything of Blazic was seared away by that sun of pain... at least everything that made up Blazic 1.0.
“Your weight is at a level very dangerous to your health, please consult a physician.” My Daemon’s voice rings in as usual at this time of day, dinner time. I’m fat. Disgusting. I look into the full length mirror, evaluating my pudgy body, noticing the two creases in my belly when I bend at the hips. My fingers fill with loose flab when I grab the skin above my hips. Hunger is the Rat in my “stomach”, clawing its way out in an absurd inversion of the famous toture method of the Spanish Inquisition. It’s time for a meal, but I know my shell is trying to trick me into thinking it is hungry. I learned long ago about its tricks, and how to stop them. My mind needs nourishment, not my bloated frame.In the past I would have indulged my casing’s weakness, but feeding the Rat within only made it bigger and stronger. I would feed it all it wanted, only later gaining the force of will and discipline needed to purge my body of the thousands of calories it had demanded. I’ve learned to stop these bulimic breakdowns, mastering my shell, a homunculus ace pilot. My flesh is a spoiled child throwing a tantrum, but I can’t give in. I have to be the stern yet wise parent. I connect to the net, to feed what is really hungry: my mind, my spirit. I need soulfood. WDS.soulfoodfeast.lux had saved my life. No more messy purging that burnt my throat and corroded my teeth with the Rat’s acid. Soulfood is clean and it feeds the source of the hunger without needlessly fattening the body, providing all the pleasures of even the most decadent food.
WDS.soulfoodfeast.lux is my default homesite for the World Digital Sea, so the fully immersive 3D environment loads instantly as I log on, replacing the environment of my bedroom with that of an entrance to a fancy restaurant. “Hello madame Roswell, would you like your usual table?” says the immaculately groomed maître d in a French accent. He is new here, and I can’t tell if he is someone’s avatar or a bot. My avatar looked and dressed the same as my ugly physical shell, I couldn’t delude myself by creating some flawless avatar for me to prance around the World Digital Sea in; that would be lying to myself and everyone else. As I looked around the lavishly decorated restaurant I saw the tables were filled with Kens and Barbies, people living lies. I receive a few stares as I follow the maître d to my table, people likely surprised a seeing such ugliness and obesity in a realm where your avatar’s appearance is entirely up to you. I could have walked in as a minotaur had I really wanted to. I sit down in the plush chair and order the daily special; lemon grass sole, Greek salad, Gorgonzola gnocchi, pizza vesuvio, deluxe nachos, and blueberry pie, fudge brownies and ice cream for dessert. The Rat would be satisfied, but it wouldn’t get one calorie, and its a greatly satisfying realization. The fragrant food comes and each dish is more delicious than the last, flavors flood my “mouth” and when I swallow, the digital delights feed the real hunger, bypassing my coil’s stomach, going directly to the hunger in my mind. The meal completely satisfies my hunger, and the Rat calms down. I’ve exposed my body’s greedy trick. I tip the waiter, pay for my meal, and triumphantly disconnect.
Physical reality replaces the digital veil of perception and I smile as I lay down in my bedroom. I ask my Daemon how much weight I’ve lost since starting soulfood. “You’ve lost over 11.3 kilograms, you now weigh 32.4 kilograms. By the laws of your region I’m required to tell you that your weight is at life threatening levels. Kwashiorkor has begun to set in, and your liver and kidney’s are being damaged. Please consult a physician.” 32.4 kilograms... My target weight is 30, and I’ll get a new dress once I shave off that last troublesome inch.
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